TNI News Service (TNS)
Webdesk, TNI Katmandu, 19th December, 2015: After the roll of aftershocks in Nepal in April-May this year again a moderate earthquake shook Nepal and adjoining areas of India like Uttarkhand. According to the USGS reports, the earthquakes magnitude was about 5.4 in the Richter scale and 15.5 kms deep. The main epicenter is just 50 kms North North East of Aancham situated in Nepal and 414 kms North West of Katmandu. It occurred around 3:46 am IST, which forced the residents of the region come out of their houses. Interestingly, the earthquake happened around the time when an article authored by eminent Washington based writer Tia Ghosh, predicting an immediate devastation of Nepal by earthquakes is published in LIVE SCIENCE magazine. However, experts keep the two incidents as a mere coincidence.